Duo Russian Grammar

47) City and People

Stop right there!

What you call a place where some transport stops, that depends on the transport. The trains stop at «ста́нция» while bus and tram stops are «остано́вка» («авто́бусная», «тролле́йбусная», «трамва́йная»).

Note the Locative 2 in мост and угол(corner): на мосту́, на углу́, в углу́.

«Маршру́тка» is a minibus that travels at semi-regular intervals, often trying to take an adequate amount of passengers at the starting point. Most will follow the same route as the regular bus of the same number. Due to translation difficulties, it is not covered in this course.

«Вокза́л» is a large railway station with a station building, often a terminus but not necessarily (that's where you would look for an inter-city train).

Englishman and Englishwoman

Most popular names for people from different countries or ethnic groups will have a version for males and another for females. Look for a suffix, since the formation of these kind of nouns is extremely typical: англича́нин/англича́нка, испа́нец/испа́нка, шве́д/шведка, коре́ец/корея́нка, кита́ец/китая́нка, францу́з/францу́женка, гре́к/греча́нка...

Other point of interest

Railway is «желе́зная доро́га» in Russian (lit. 'iron road'). «Суперма́ркет», while sometimes similar to supermarkets you know, is usually a medium-size self-service shop selling primarily groceries and some other essentials, so grocery store is closer to the definition.