Duo Russian Grammar

65) The Same

одинаковый / такой же

Consider these two structures:

  • Ann and Bob are the same (as each other).
  • Ann and Bob are the same (as you).

English uses "the same" for both. Russian expresses these two relations differently:

  • Том и Тим одина́ковые.
  • Том и Тим таки́е же (, как ты).

Other similar things

A number of these «же»-words exist:

  • тот же X = the same X →usually the same object
  • тако́й же X = the same (kind of) X → usually the object with the same characteristics
  • так же = in the same way
  • тогда́ же = at the same time
  • там же = at the same place
  • туда́ же = to the same place
NB: «же» has other uses, namely to emphasize the information the listener must be aware of but fails to use (Ты же сам меня́ спроси́л).

When comparing to something else, a paired pronoun is used in a relative clause:

  • Это тот же челове́к, что и вчера́. = This is the same person as yesterday.
  • Она́ живёт там же, где и мы. = She lives at the same place where we do.
  • Мы рабо́таем тогда́ же, когда́ и вы. = We work at the same time as you.

Note the "и", which makes it a lot more natural.

The usage of these pronouns is not as obvious. Тако́й же is typically paired with как and тот же with что or кото́рый(for persons).

I don't care

To say that you "don't care", "don't give a (smth)" about something, you use «всё равно́» with Dative subject.

  • Мне всё равно́, что ты поду́маешь.

You also use it to say that doing something is "essentially the same thing" as something else.

Set expressions

«Тут же» actually means "right away".

You can say something is "one and the same" object by using «оди́н и тот же» or «оди́н» (the latter is OK when it's a modifier):

  • Мы живём в одно́м (и том же) до́ме.
  • Тома́т и помидо́р — э́то одно́ и то же.

(одно́ и то же as a "noun" is always neuter and cannot be replaced by одно́)

You can say something is the same object as already mentioned before by using «тот же са́мый»:

  • Это та же са́мая статья́! = That's the same very article!
  • Вы уве́рены, что это тот же са́мый челове́к? = Are you sure that's exactly the same man (as before)?