Duo Russian Grammar

79) Crime and Justice

proof and evidence

Usually when we are talking about a body of evidence proving something, it is plural «доказательства» (mathematical proof is still «доказательство»)

A piece of (material) evidence, a clue is also «улика». We do not teach it here but a useful word to know nonetheless.


The verb «совершить» is the one you use to say someone "commited" a crime. In general language, it is also used in certain combinations like "to make a breakthrough" or "to make a discovery".


After a criminal has been found guilty, he or she is often sent to or put in jail as a punishment. Russian uses the verb «посадить». Incidentally, this is the same verb that is used to say that you've planted a tree. Where English uses the verb 'to be', in Russian, a person «сидит в тюрьме», literally 'sits in jail'.