Duo Russian Grammar

41) Countries and Places

Sweden, a Swede, Swedish

In Russian, the name of the country, the name of a person from there and their language are all different words. They are related, however, and few patterns exist:

country male female adjective
А́нглия англича́нин англича́нка англи́йский
Кита́й (China) кита́ец китая́нка кита́йский
Ита́лия италья́нец италья́нка италья́нский
Кана́да кана́дец кана́дка кана́дский
Аме́рика америка́нец америка́нка америка́нский
Казахста́н каза́х каза́шка каза́хский
Фра́нция францу́з францу́женка францу́зский

It's worth pointing out here (in case you hadn't spotted it already) that while English capitalizes country/language adjectives, Russian does not.

Simple Future

Describing a "simple" future action (not a process) is rather straightforward—take a perfective verb and make its "present" form same as you did with imperfective. The difference is, perfective verbs have no Present:

  • Ду́маю, тебе́ понра́вится Том = I think you'll like Tom. (from нра́виться/по́нравиться)
  • Я приду́ в шко́лу = I'll come to school. (прийти is a prefixed perfective variant of «идти»)

English, of course, has a number of ways of expressing the future, so use "will" or "is going to" (or indeed the present continuous/progressive) as you deem appropriate.


Since in Russian, ethnicity is described with a noun, they can produce hyphenated compounds (just like other nouns). We have very few of them in this course.

  • писа́тель-италья́нец = an Italian writer
  • студе́нт-худо́жник = a student who is an artist
  • студе́нт-каза́х = a Kazakh student
  • подру́га-англича́нка = an English friend (fem.)

Speak English!

You can use both «говорить по-английски» (adverb) and «говорить на английском» (на + Instr.)

«На английском» is specifically about content in the language or about linguistic ability. «По-английски» is about the way an action is done/ an object is made (does not mean language for objects).

So a book can only be written «на английском». And, of course, if you mean "English-style pizza", it can only be «пицца по-английски»!