Duo Russian Grammar

74) Science

Ready to shoot for the stars? Get in! Of course, we cannot teach you all of the science in a handful of lessons. This skill focuses on popular scientific concepts like electricity, analysis or atom. It also gives you a taste of some words typical of scientific and educational style, so that you do not feel lost if you ever read an article.


This bookish word is often used to ask about the identity of some property:

  • Какова́ суть пробле́мы? = What is the essence of the problem?
  • Какова́ ма́сса прото́на? = What is the mass of a proton?
  • Како́в разме́р вселе́нной? = What is the size of the universe?

«Како́й» can be used in some of these sentences with careful rewording but generally it will sound clumsy unless used for a numeric property:

  • Какова́ ма́сса мюо́на? ≃ Кака́я у мюо́на ма́сса?


"Data" is a plural-only word in Russian. Moreover, it is a nominalised adjective, so its endings are just like the ones adjectives have.


This is, actually, one of the four prepositions normally used with the Prepositional case. It roughly means "in the presence of", which does not have a good match in English. In scientific context we often use it to describe conditions or circumstances:

  • При э́той температу́ре газ бы́стро расширя́ется. = At that temperature, the gas expands rapidly.

  • При увеличе́нии ма́ссы увели́чится и давле́ние. = If the mass is increased, the pressure will increase, too.

  • При обы́чном давле́нии эффе́кт незаме́тен. = Under normal pressure, the effect is not noticeable.

Short adjectives

Some predicate adjectives are used quite often in scientific writing and speech:

  • Вселе́нная огро́мна. = The Universe is enormous.
  • Вре́мя о́чень мало́. = The time is very little.
  • Сопротивле́ние сли́шком велико́. = The resistance is too large.